Cianjur Indonesia
Cianjur district that is located in the area of West Java has a lot of tourism objects, some of them already know that many, but there are also some that still need to be published. One of the tourism that is known is National Park (TN) Mount Gede Pangrango which is a natural tourist attractions and is perfect for your hobby of hiking and climbing. When you browse TN Gunung Gede Pangrango will find many interesting objects, such as waterfalls, grass, flowers orchids, and several types of animals that live in the area.
Curug Citambur
Curug Citambur located in The District. Distance from the city of Cianjur 65 Km. Curug is very beautiful and interesting place to visit, height approximately 40 meters. Water down to become part of the steam and moisture so that the location around Curug cool. Panorama Curug around this is still so natural.
Lake Leuwi Soro
Lake Leuwi Soro attract tourists to visit, clear water and surrounded by shady trees and beautiful, ideal for recreational use while feeling saturated. Location is in the Lake District Pagelaran. Cianjur distance from the city approximately 65 km.
Beach Jayanti
The beautiful beaches and interesting side by side with this Nature Reserve Bojonglarang and fishing port. The beach is still natural with the beautiful waves and wind to blow slowly add nyamannya berekreasi place. Located in District Cidaun, a distance of 139 km from Cianjur.